
Review - Mr. Arlen Salte

"To all people interested in playing piano in under an hour;
I have an outstanding opportunity to share with you. I want to recommend an innovative method of learning to play piano by chord. The Billy Christopher F.U.N. Method for learning piano is a revolutionary way to teach people how to play piano by chord in under an hour. When I viewed the video I was amazed at how simple and natural this system was. Whether people have taken years of lessons or don't even know the names of the piano notes you can learn from this series.
I have seen this as I have presented workshops with Billy Christopher. It's simple and it works. In fact, I was in the jungle of Central America a couple of months ago and met a lady with a little portable keyboard. She had no access to traditional lessons and desperately wanted to play with her church band. I told her that within 15 minutes I could teach her how to play every major and minor chord using the F.U.N. method. Over the next day or two I would hear her playing songs by chord.
Every child beginning music lessons should start with the F.U.N. Method. Every person, regardless of age, can learn to play by chord and experience the joy that comes from accompanying themselves on the keyboard. Both of my thumbs are firmly pointed up for the Billy Christopher F.U.N. Method."

Review - Mary Anne O'Donnell

"The one-hour F.U.N. Method course was amazing! You really can learn all you need to play the piano in an hour! In addition to the great method of teaching, I was thoroughly impressed by Billy's excitement and ability to share his knowledge in a fun, concise and VERY helpful way. I recommend this class to anyone, young or old, who wants to play (or play better), but thinks it is just too hard or time consuming. If I can learn this, anyone can!"

Review - Lila Stafford

"I bought Billy Christopher's video on how to play the piano in one hour. What a riot! I watched 10 minutes of it yesterday and was so excited about what I learned, that I held my first family concert last night! We can now all sing, "Amazing Grace" to MY piano playing! I learned more in 10 minutes than I did the entire time I was in school! This is going to be FUN!!!

Anyway, just wanted to say, "Thank you"."

Review - Pastor Ron Stelzer

"I feel like I just had a Spiritual bubble bath (after intimate worship from the heart with Billy Christopher)."

Review - Pastor Dan

"Thank you for sharing your talents and gifts. The praise and worship time together and the concert were truly a blessing."

Review - Denise

"Your DVD is an answer to prayer. I can sing and play music for our Lord."

Review - F.U.N. Method Seminar Participant

"This is a blessing from the Lord. I never thought I would learn how to play the piano. Excellent. Amazing. Fantastic! Great seminar. I was very happy with this course and will recommend my pastor do a seminar in our church. Very informative, easy to learn chords, for F.U.N. playing. I can't believe how much I learned, it was terrific. Thanks for sharing this."

Review - L.B.

"We are a very blended congregation as far as our worship and musical preferences are concerned and love adding good, meaningful new songs to our repertoire. I appreciate your enthusiastic, gracious attitude toward using your music."

Review - Betsy Kramer

"Absolutely phenomenal! I can't believe how easy this is, it's like paint by numbers for music. I was totally overwhelmed at the simplicity and ease of the F.U.N. Method. This is a concept everyone can grasp."

Review - K.M.

"We use The Best of the Best...quite often in planning our contemporary worship service. We love the words and melody of this song - Do This In Remembrance of Me."

Review - Jonathan Schultz

"I LOVE it! I just finished your piano video. It is F.U.N.! Your approach is sound and works well."

Review - L.W.

"We enjoy the gifts of your music in our service."

Review - Denise

"I enjoy singing and praising God with you."

Review - K.M.

"I took 10 years of classical music and was taught with traditional scales, etc., but was never taught to chord. Thank you for inspiring me to get back to my piano after 25 years."

Music and Albums - Available For Free Online Streaming

Billy Christopher has 6 different Albums available to stream for free (see Albums page for details). Billy also has 5 lyric music videos available to view for free on his Donate Page. Donation not required, but he wouldn't hate it! Just scroll down to the bottom of the donate page to view.

"Now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation." 2 Corinthians 6:2 NIV
