About Billy

Billy Christopher - Piano F.U.N. Method

Billy was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. and then moved with his family to Long Island, N.Y. when he was 7 years old (actually, his family moved to Long Island and he went along for the ride). He began playing the trumpet in grade school, learned the guitar at age 15 and began leading praise and worship at the age of 17.

Shortly after graduating from high school, he began singing and playing the piano and trumpet professionally. At that time, he began working on the saxophone and flute to add to his growing repertoire of instruments. Billy is self-taught on all the instruments he plays other than the trumpet and voice, which he studied in school and for which he has had some private instruction.

He has been a full-time piano tuner/technician for 38 years and has serviced some of the finest pianos in the Valley of the Sun (Phoenix, Arizona area).

Billy has conducted seminars around the country teaching others his F.U.N. Method of learning the piano/keyboard. He is making his Piano F.U.N. Method available through online streaming for the ease and convenience of those who would like to learn how to very simply play the piano or keyboard in a fraction of the time it would normally take! His unique approach to keyboard instruction has individuals accompanying themselves with chords in less than an hour!

Billy has written the music and lyrics for hundreds of songs, some of which have been published in The Best of the Best in Contemporary Praise and Worship. Billy has also traveled to churches around the country as a guest, to minister in concert, as a worship leader, for special events and conferences.

Music and Albums - Available For Free Online Streaming

Billy Christopher has 6 different Albums available to stream for free (see Albums page for details). Billy also has 5 lyric music videos available to view for free on his Donate Page. Donation not required, but he wouldn't hate it! Just scroll down to the bottom of the donate page to view.

"Now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation." 2 Corinthians 6:2 NIV
