Billy Christopher
Billy Christopher
Billy Christopher
Billy Christopher
Billy Christopher

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your resources and increase the harvest of your righteousness. 2nd Corinthians 9:10 RSV

"Throughout the years, the Lord has blessed me with many, many, many worship, praise and spiritual songs. I believe the time has come to dedicate myself and whatever time left that the Lord may provide for me to begin recording these beautiful masterpieces that He has created and written through me. In order to accomplish this significant task (really, labor of love), I need the time to be able to dedicate towards doing this work. I am asking, if the Lord puts it upon your heart, to give a donation, (a financial gift), to help make this possible. This will be a non-refundable, non-tax deductible contribution to the effort of getting these amazing songs out for all the world to hear and hopefully worship the Lord with. I will do my part in working as hard as I can to record these beautiful songs and I would be grateful if you (again, as the Lord leads you), would financially contribute to this cause. Of course, your prayers are super important because without them, chances are none of this may happen. Thank you so much in advance for your Blessed support. Much love to you all!"

Signed, Billy Christopher

Music and Albums - Available For Free Online Streaming

Billy Christopher has 6 different Albums available to stream for free (see Albums page for details). Billy also has 5 lyric music videos available to view for free on his Donate Page. Donation not required, but he wouldn't hate it! Just scroll down to the bottom of the donate page to view.

"Now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation." 2 Corinthians 6:2 NIV
